Holy Knitting Needles Batman! I was at Zeller's yesterday and as usual, told myself that I was
not going to buy any yarn. Oh those sneaky Gods of Yarn! They made me pass by a table with yarn on it at ridiculously low sale prices! I saw some lovely bamboo yarn in a soft pink and it was marked down from $4.97 to
$0.83!!!! There were 17 balls all the same dye lot and I bought them all! It is sooooo soft and sooo pretty. I don't know what it will become, but I have it next to me and when it decides what it will knit into, I will droolingly start to knit or crochet something beautiful. Perhaps I will take it to my daughter's Georgian Bay cottage and knit while sitting on the beach enjoying the sun, sand, and a wine cooler. Oh ya! Everytime I wear or use the finished project I will remember the place where I made it. Yep, that's what I'll do. "Sitting on the dock of the bay, knittin' my time away...."
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